



1. The name of the Society
The name of the Society shall be: International Kodály Society (IKS).

2. The seat of the society
The Seat and Executive Office of the Society shall be at Budapest, Hungary.
Address: 1149 Budapest, Róna u.120-122.

3. Aims of the society
The aims of the International Kodály Society shall be the world-wide propagation of the musical, educational and cultural concepts associated with Zoltán Kodály for the benefit of music generally and in particular for the educational advancement of children and youth. The Society shall serve as an international forum for all who are active in the spirit of the Hungarian master as composer, scholar and educator.

4. Functions and powers
4.1. To achieve these aims the Society shall have power to undertake such activities as shall in its opinion promote the objectives of the Society.
4.2. Without limiting the foregoing, international, national and regional conferences may be organized under the auspices of the IKS, it may assist members with the publication and distribution of relevant materials, it may publish books, CDs and other materials including a Bulletin, to serve as a channel of communication for scientific research, musical composition, performance, teaching, and such other matters as pertain to the work of the Society.
4.3. The Society stands ready to advise and assist government and private agencies, educational and pedagogical institutions, school authorities, etc. with respect to theoretical and practical matters which arise in the adaptation of the work of Zoltán Kodály to national, regional or local conditions
4.4. The Society welcomes active co-operation with other organizations of related interest, e.g. UNESCO or the International Society for Music Education.
4.5. The Society shall operate on a non-profit basis. It might only pursue any entrepreneurial activity as a secondary activity, directly connected to the aims of the Society.

5. Scope of the Society: International


The Society is made up of Individual and Institutional Members from all over the world, regardless of their nationality, who are devoted to the Society's aims.
The Society has Full members, Registered Supporting Members, and Honorary (Címzetes) members. The Society keeps a record of its Full members, Registered Supporting Members, and Honorary (Címzetes) members.
The Society does not set any further requirements for those members-to-be who share its aims and accept its statutes by submitting their membership application.

II.1. Full Members:

A. Full Individual Members

Rights of Full Individual Members:
1. Individual Full Members are invited to take part in the activity of and attend events organized by the Society.
2. They have the right to vote and can be elected for positions in the Society.
Obligations of Full Individual Members:
3. They have the duty of paying the membership fee.
4. They should fulfill their obligations defined in the Statutes.
5. They should not endanger the aims and the activities of the Society.
6. They are obliged to report the change of their address to the Board of Directors.

B. Institutional Full Members
Institutional Full Members are organizations or institutions having similar objectives as the IKS.
Rights of Institutional Members:
1. Institutional Full Members will appoint within their organization a person representing them holding a mandate to vote and be elected
2. Institutional Full Members may seek affiliation.
3.1. Affiliation can be as National Institutional Full Member or Local Institutional Full Member.
3.2. To obtain affiliation, they have to apply, and fulfill the conditions for affiliation as described in chapter III. (Affiliation).
Obligations of Institutional Full Members:
4. They have the duty of paying the membership fee.
5. They should fulfill their obligations defined in the Statutes.
6. They should not endanger the aims and the activities of the Society.
7. They are obliged to report the change of their registered address to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall be entitled to decide on the admission of the Full Members based on the application of the members-to-be.

The Board of Directors shall be entitled to define different categories of membership fees in respect of Individual, Retired, Student, Institutional members. The different categories of membership fees are available on the website of the Society.

II. 2 Registered Supporting Members:
Rights of the Registered Supporting Members:

1. Personally – legal persons through their representatives – may participate in the General Assembly of the Society, and its events with right of consultation, however the registered Supporting members do not have right to vote and cannot be elected for positions in the Society.
2. Can make proposal, recommendation, and express an opinion on the operation of the Society.
Obligations of the Registered Supporting Members:
3. They have the duty of paying the respective membership fee.
4. They should fulfill their obligations defined in the Statutes.
5. They should not endanger the aims and activities of the Society.
6. They are obliged to report the change of their address to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall be entitled to decide on the admission of the Registered Supporting Members based on the application of the members-to-be. The Board of Directors shall be entitled to define membership fees in respect of Registered Supporting Members, which information is available on the website of the Society.

II. 3 Honorary (Címzetes) Members
Any natural or legal person may be the Honorary Member of the Society who has contributed extraordinarily to the achievements of the Society’s objectives.
Rights of the Honorary Members:
1. Honorary Members can take part in the activities of the Society and the events organized by the Society, they are entitled to vote and can be elected to the positions of the Society.
2. Honorary members are entitled to use the services, opportunities available for Full Members and may take advantage of the opportunities arising from the Society’s external relations.
Obligations of Honorary Members:.
3. Honorary Members do not have to pay membership fee.
4. They are obliged to report the change of their address to the Board of Directors.

Based on the proposal of the Board of Directors the General Assembly shall decide on the admission of the Honorary Members.

II.4. Individual members exercise their rights personally. Institutional members exercise their right via a representative.
Membership rights are non-negotiable and non-inheritable.
Members are not accountable – beyond paying the membership fee – for the debts of the Society.
The personal details of the members are not public.

II. 5. Establishing membership:
Following the foundation of the Society Membership is created by the acceptance of the respective membership application form.
The Board of Directors is entitled to decide in respect of granting Full Membership based on the written application of the member-to-be.
The Board of Directors is entitled to decide in respect of granting Affiliated Membership based on the written application of the member-to-be.
The Board of Directors is entitled to decide in respect of granting Registered Supporting Membership based on the written application of the member-to-be.
In respect of Honorary membership the General Assembly shall decide on the basis of the proposal of the Board of Directors.
The respective membership application form shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in electronic format, and the Board of Directors shall decide in respect of the admission within 30 days with simple majority by open vote. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be sent to the applicant in written form, in justified way within 8 days from the date of the submission.
The member of the Society is admitted such way that based on the decision of the Board of Directors, or in case of Honorary Members the decision of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors shall enter the applicant into the respective category of the List of Members.
In case of a declining decision of the Board, the applicant shall be entitled to appeal against such decision within 15 days from the date communicated in verifiable receipt of such decision to the General Assembly.
Where present Statute refers to „members” all members of the Society shall be understood herein.

II. 6. Termination of membership:
The membership is terminated by:
- cancellation by the member;
- termination by the Society;
- exclusion of the member;
- death or termination without successor of the member.
Members can terminate their membership at any time without justification, by a written statement sent to the representative of the Society.
These Statutes stipulate an obligation of paying a membership fee for Full and Registered Supporting Members. If a Full/ Registered Supporting member fails to fulfill this obligation, the Society may terminate their membership with a 30-day written notice. The notice is decided by the Board on the first instance and the General Assembly on the second instance.
In case a member seriously or repeatedly infringes the law, the Statutes or decisions of the General Assembly, or acts in a way which is not in line with the aims of the Society, the Board – at the initiative of any member or institution of the Society – may exclude this member.
The exclusion decision must be put in writing and justification should be given. The justification should contain the facts and proofs pertaining to the exclusion, and information about possibilities of appeal. The member should be informed about the decision of exclusion.
Members must have the right to defense. The member may submit – based on the right to defense – a written reasoned appeal against the decision of exclusion to the General Assembly. During the appeal procedure, the member must be heard in person. The appeal shall be decided by the General Assembly within 30 days from the hearing. The justified decision (affirming or discarding the cancellation) shall be sent to the member in writing.

Affiliation can be as:
a) National Institutional Member
b) Local Institutional Member.

1. Affiliated National Institutional Members
1.1. Affiliated National Institutional Members are organizations that have similar objectives as the IKS and represent a country nationwide.
1.2. They have to meet the following criteria:
a) to be organized as a democratic society
b) have their statutes in line with those of IKS
c) be an organization that is open to membership
d) hold regular general assemblies and elections
e) make sure that their President is an Individual Member in good standing of the IKS.
1.3. Only one organization per country can be recognized as ‘Affiliated National Institutional Member’.
1.4. Affiliated National Institutional Members have the duty to send an annual report on their activities to the Board of IKS and to encourage their members also to become members of IKS.

2. Affiliated Local Institutional Members
2.1. Affiliated Local Institutional Members are organizations or institutions that have similar objectives as the IKS but do not represent a country nationwide.
2.2. Their professional standard has to meet the quality required by the IKS.


1. General Assembly
1.1. Members vested with voting rights exercise ultimate control over the affairs of the Society meeting in the General Assembly. The general Assembly is the major decision-making body of the Society.
1.2.1. The General Assembly will meet yearly. The General Assembly shall be convened by the Board.
The members will receive an invitation to attend the meeting on the website of the Society in an outstanding and “IT-verifiably way”, mentioning the venue, the date and time as well as the Agenda of the General Assembly, at least 1 (one) month prior to the date of the meeting.
At the same time when the invitation is published on the website, the members should receive the invitation in an electronic message as well (the receipt of which can be confirmed), mentioning the venue, the date and time as well as the Agenda of the General Assembly.
1.2.2 The venue of the General Assembly is – according to the main rule – the headquarters of the Society in even years, and the venue of the symposium in odd years. The venue of the General Assembly must be noticeably shown in the invitation, published on the website of the Society.
Requests for changes in the Agenda or additional points to the Agenda have to be sent in writing – with justification – at least 15 days prior to the date of the meeting.
It is the right of the Board to decide on any changes or additions to the Agenda. If the Board does not decide on a submission or rejects it, the General Assembly shall decide on it before accepting the Agenda.
1.2.3 The General Assembly starts by the election of the officers, namely the Chair and the tellers (2 persons).
1.3. The Board should convene the General Assembly if
a) the assets of the Society do not cover its debts;
b) the Society presumably will not be able to pay the debts on the due date; or
c) the fulfillment of the aims of the Society is in danger.
In such a General Assembly the Members vested with voting rights should take steps to resolve the situation which necessitated the meeting, or to decide on the termination of the Society.
1.4. The General Assembly has a quorum if at least 50 % of the Members vested with voting rights plus 1 person are present. If the General Assembly does not have a quorum, a new General Assembly can be announced for the same day one hour later, with the same agenda. This General Assembly shall then have a quorum for the issues of the original agenda irrespective of the number of members present bearing voting rights.
When making a decision, a person cannot vote, if they:
a) would become exempt of an obligation or responsibility by the decision or would benefit in another way by the decision on the detriment of the Society;
b) will be contracted by virtue of the decision;
c) will be sued on the basis of the decision;
d) have a relative interested in the decision, who is not a member or founder of the Society;
e) are in an influential contact with another organization interested in the decision; or
f) are otherwise personally interested in the decision.
1.5. It falls within the competence of the General Assembly to:
a) create and amend the Statutes,
b) decide in questions related to an eventual fusion with another society or the dissolution of the Society, based on the submission of the Board, overseen by the Committee of Supervisors.
c) elect, recall and define remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors;
d) ratify the yearly budget;
e) ratify the annual report containing the financial report prepared by the Board of Directors;
f) exercise employer’s right in relation to the members of the Board of Directors if they are employed by the Society;
g) approve any contracts that the Society signs with its own member, member of the Board of Directors, member of the Committee of Supervisors or their relatives;
h) decide on eventual claims against present or former members of the Society, members of the Board of Directors and members of the Committee of Supervisors or members of other organizations;
i) elect the members of the Committee of Supervisors, their eventual recalling and remuneration;
j) if need arises, elect, recall and define remuneration for an elected auditor; and
k) appoint a liquidator.
l) decision on the admission of Honorary Members;
m) to determine the membership fees
n) at the request of the executive officer(s) grant simultaneously with the approval of the Annual Accounts a Dispensation testifying the adequacy of the management activities carried out in the preceding business year.
1.6. The General Assembly may with a simple majority, by open voting:
a) ratify the election of the members of the Board,
b) decisions in case of appeals against the decisions of the Board,
c) order extraordinary elections if the current Board would fail in its duties,
d) decide in all other matters referred to its exclusive competence by the Statutes.
1.7. Three-fourth majority of the Members vested with voting rights present with voting right and open voting is needed:
a) to create and amend the Statutes;
b) to modify the aims of the Society,
c) to decide in questions related to an eventual fusion with another society or the dissolution of the Society.
1.8. 50% of the General Assembly + 1 person are needed to demand, if judged to be necessary, a ‘secret voting’.
1.9. An extraordinary General Assembly can be called together on a joined demand of at least 50 Members vested with voting rights.
1.10. All Members vested with voting rights of the Society have the right to attend the General Assembly, to elect, to take the floor, ask questions, make suggestions and remarks, according to the regulations.
1.11. The General Assembly is not open to the public, attendance is restricted to the members, the officers, and those who were invited by the Board or have the right to attend based on a decision of the General Assembly.
1.12. The Minutes of the General Assembly should record all items on the Agenda, the process and results of voting and the decisions made.
1.13. The decisions of the General Assembly should be posted on the website of the Society within 30 days.
1.14. The General Assembly may adopt resolutions without holding a meeting in writing (via registered letter, confirmed fax, confirmed email, or other verifiable electronic means). The Board of Directors shall initiate the the written resolution by sending a draft decision to the members entitled to vote. The members entitled to vote shall have at least 8 days from the date of receipt of the draft resolution to send their vote to the Board of Directors. In respect of quorum and voting procedure provisions, the provisions of the present Statutes are applicable to decisions without holding a meeting, with the exception that the decision making process shall be effective if at least as many votes casted as many are required by a quorum present at a meeting. Within three days of the last day of the deadline for casting votes, or if the votes of all members with the right to vote have been received than within three days from the receipt of the last vote, the Board of Directors shall record the result of the vote and communicate it to the members. The date of the decision shall be the last day of the voting period, if all the votes have been received earlier than the day of the last vote.

2. Board of Directors
2.1. The Board is the executive body of the Society. Board members are the executive officers of the Society. The Society shall have a Board of Directors consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer and three Directors. Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the General Assembly from among its Members vested with voting rights for a period of four years.
2.2. Mrs Sarolta Kodály shall be invited to be the Honorary Life President of the Society and a full voting member of the Board.
2.3. The immediate Past President shall be a member of the Board for the next period, with full voting rights.
2.4. Five members of the Board present shall constitute a quorum of the Board.
2.5. In case of absence during a board meeting the duties of the President are carried out by one of the Vice-Presidents and the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer by one of the Directors.
2.6. In case of permanent absence the position of the President is assigned to one of the Vice-Presidents and the position of the Secretary-Treasurer to one of the Directors by a simple majority vote of the Board. The assignment is for the duration of the original mandate or till the Members vested with voting rights can appoint a new President and/or Secretary-Treasurer.
2.7. In case of permanent vacancy of at least four of the positions of the Board, extraordinary elections will have to take place.
2.8. The Board is charged with the conduct of the Society's activities subject to these Statutes and to the directions of the General Assembly. The Board shall report regularly to the General Assembly, answer questions about the Society, report on the activities and financial situation of the Society.
The Board shall meet at least once a year.
Board members should receive the invitation to the Board meeting in an electronic message, the receipt of which can be confirmed. The invitation should include the venue, the time and the agenda.
The Board may also meet using electronic devices. In this case the identification of the Board members and their unhindered interactive communication must be ensured. This type of meeting may be conducted by online video conference or using peer-to-peer IP-phone network, but the meeting can be held via other electronic device the President proposes. The proceedings of the meeting and the decisions should be noted in minutes in a controllable way, and must be made accessible to the Board within 8 days. The Board of Directors may adopt resolutions without holding a meeting in writing (via registered letter, confirmed fax, confirmed email, or other verifiable electronic means).
The Board makes decisions by a simple majority vote.
When making a Board decision, a person cannot vote, if they:
a) would become exempt of an obligation or responsibility by the decision or would benefit in another way by the decision on the detriment of the Society;
b) will be contracted by virtue of the decision;
c) will be sued on the basis of the decision;
d) have a relative interested in the decision, who is not a member or founder of the Society;
e) are in an influential contact with another organization interested in the decision; or
f) are otherwise personally interested in the decision.
2.9. The Board may make by-laws to regulate the conduct of the Society's affairs.
2.10. The Board shall appoint working committees ad hoc, as needed, to deal with specific aspects of the Society's affairs.
2.11. For the operational management of the Society There shall be an Executive Secretary appointed by the Board. The Board shall determine the term of appointment of the Executive secretary (definite/indefinite). The Executive Secretary shall take part in the meetings of the Board with consultative powers without voting right.
2.12. It is the responsibility of the Board:
a) to follow the day-to-day activity of the Society, to make decisions within its remit;
b) to prepare the reports and present them to the General Assembly;
c) to prepare the yearly budget and present it to the General Assembly;
d) to handle the assets of the Society, to make and execute decisions - not belonging in the responsibility of the General Assembly - about the use and investment of the assets;
e) to prepare the formation of the Society’s committees and the election of the officers, the appointment and removal of the Executive Secretary;
f) to convene the General Assembly and inform the parties concerned;
g) to define the Agenda of the General Assembly;
h) to participate in the General Assembly and answer questions relating to the Society;
i) decision on the admission of the Full, Affiliated, Registered Supporting Members, to propose Honorary Members to the General Assembly and to keep the membership records;
j) to keep records of the decisions, official documents and other books of the Society;
k) to safeguard the documents relating to the functioning of the Society;
l) to examine the eventual reason for the dissolution of the Society and if it arises, to take the steps prescribed by the law; and
m) to maintain solvency, and in case of foreboding insolvency to take or initiate the necessary steps, keeping in mind the interests of creditors.
2.13. Regulations about eventual exclusion and conflict of interest in case of Board members:
Board member may only be a person who is:
a) 18 years of age or more;
b) not hindered in their capacity to fulfill the job;
c) not banned from public affairs;
d) has not been convicted to prison by order of a court in connection with a criminal act;
e) has not been banned from any activity by order of a court;
f) has not been banned from a position of executive officer;
g) has never been an executive officer of any public benefit organization
- which was cancelled without successor, without settling its tax and customs debts,
- which accumulated considerable tax debts,
- which had legal actions against it by the state tax and customs office,
- the tax number of which was suspended or cancelled by the state tax and customs office.
h) does his/her duties as a board member personally.
2.14. A Board member’s mandate is terminated:
a) when the duration of the mandate is over;
b) in case of a conditioned commission when the condition is met;
c) by recalling the member;
d) by the resignation of the member;
e) by the death of member or termination without successor;
f) if the member is hindered in their capacity necessary to fulfill their tasks;
g) if an excluding cause or a conflict of interest arises concerning the member.
The Members vested with voting rights of the Society may recall the Board members at any time, without justification.
Board members may resign from their positions at any time, by a statement addressed to the Society, another executive officer of the Society or the General Assembly.
If the functioning of the Society requires it, the resignation will come into effect by appointing or electing a new Board member, lacking this, at the latest, on the sixtieth day from the resignation.
2.15 Representation of the Society
2.15.1 Representation of the Society is carried out by the actual Hungarian Vice-President. The scope of his right of representation is general and the mode is individual. Beside the Hungarian Vice-President the Executive Secretary of the Society shall represent the Society. The Executive Secretary’s right of representation is general and the mode is individual.
2.15.2 Beside the Executive Secretary the Board may decide to grant representative rights to other board members or other employees of the Society, defining the scope and manner of representation.
2.15.3 The representatives referred to in 2.15.1 shall be responsible for the bank account of the Society individually.

3. Committee of Supervisors
3.1. It is the responsibility of the Committee of Supervisors:
a) to continuously supervise the administration, assets handling and financial activities of the Society.
b) to supervise the execution and respect of the legal requirements, the Statutes and the decisions of the General Assembly.
The three members and two alternates of the Committee of Supervisors are ratified by the General Assembly at the same time as the Board. A member of the Board or the Executive Secretary cannot be a member of the Committee of Supervisors.
3.2. The Committee submits its report to the General Assembly.
3.3 Regulations about eventual exclusion and conflict of interest in case of the members of the Committee of Supervisors:
Committee of Supervisors member may only be a person who is:
a) not a Board member;
b) 18 years of age or more;
c) not hindered in their capacity to fulfill the job;
d) not banned from public affairs;
e) has not been convicted to prison by order of a court in connection with a criminal act;
f) has not been banned from any activity by order of a court;
g) has not been banned from a position of executive officer;
h) has never been an executive officer of any public benefit organization
- which was cancelled without successor, without settling its tax and customs debts,
- which accumulated considerable tax debts,
- which had legal actions against it by the state tax and customs office,
- the tax number of which was suspended or cancelled by the state tax and customs office.
3.4 The Committee of Supervisors may also meet using electronic devices (such as online video call) instead of personal attendance. In this case the identification of the members of the Committee of Supervisors and their unhindered and mutual interactive communication must be ensured. The representations made and the decisions passed on the meeting held using the electronic communications device must be recorded, so the content can be recalled later. The meeting minutes shall be certified by the chair conducting the meeting.

Elections shall be held every two years for the renewal of half of the members of the Board and the Committee of Supervisors. Terms of office shall be for four years.
1. Election Committee
1.1. The conduct of the elections shall be in the hands of an Election Committee (EC), appointed by the General Assembly.
1.2. The EC shall consist of three Members vested with voting rights of the Society, one of whom shall be designated as the chairperson. The EC shall represent a broad geographical distribution of Members vested with voting rights.
1.3. No member of the present Board can be a member of the EC.
1.4. Members of the EC cannot be candidates for the current elections. 1.5. Upon request of the EC the Members vested with voting rights have the right to nominate any Member vested with voting rights in good standing for a position in the Board or the Committee of Supervisors, except members that hold a mandate in the current EC.
1.6. If necessary the EC may add more candidates to provide a broader choice.
2. Extraordinary elections
Extraordinary elections are to be carried out if the organization of the Society can no longer be ensured by the current Board or if the General Assembly orders it.

1. The business management of the Society shall be discharged by the Executive Secretary who shall direct the Executive office.
2. The Executive Secretary shall represent the Society individually with general scope of powers.
3. The Executive Secretary is accountable to and shall report to the Board. The Executive Secretary shall provide the Board of Directors all necessary information on the management of the Society and shall report to the Board of Directors regularly. The Executive Secretary may be asked to prepare a written report on demand.
4. The Executive Secretary, with the consent of the Board, may seek professional aid if the organization of the Society requires so.
5. The Executive Secretary is bound by the legitimate instructions of the Board of Directors. Transactions beyond the scope of day-to-day management activities may only concluded by the approval of the Board.
6. Remuneration of the Executive Secretary shall correspond to the tasks of the Executive Secretary and to the financial status of the Society. The remuneration shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
7. The Executive Secretary may resign by sending a letter of resignation to the Board.

1. Full and the Registered Supporting Members shall pay an annual membership fee. For promotion of the Society, the Board may exceptionally waive the fee of Individual Full Members.
2. The annual membership fee for each membership category is permanently published displayed on the website of the Society.
3. Membership fees must be paid until 31 December, at the latest for the respective year, by bank transfer to the bank account which is published on the website of the Society, or by banking card in the webshop of the Society. 4. Any Full or registered Supporting Member who fails to renew his/her membership fee shall be called upon by the Executive Secretary in writing to fulfill his/her duty within a set deadline. Not meeting that deadline will result in termination of the membership by notice.
5. The Board may fix charges for the Society's publications and activities.
6. The Board may solicit and accept money and other assistance for the Society's activities from outside persons, institutions and governments.
7. The Board may accept donations.v 8. The incomes from membership fees, publications, outside resources and donations, and eventually from secondary entrepreneurial activities – directly linked to the realization of it aims – and funds won in tenders constitute the assets of the Society.
9. The Society may solicit donations. This activity may only be done with written authorization by the Society, and cannot disturb the donors or other persons, or violate human dignity.
10. The expenses of the Society:
a) expenses directly connected to the basic activity;
b) expenses directly linked to the entrepreneurial activity (providing service);
c) operating expenses of the Society (including administration costs and other indirect costs), as well as the depreciation and amortization of immaterial goods and objects used in several activities;
d) other costs which do not belong under points a)-c).
11. The Society’s incomes and expenses (costs) are recorded separately, according to the accounting regulations. The bookkeeping of the Society should follow the accounting rules relevant to it.
12. The Society may only take a loan or undertake obligations to the extent which does not endanger its basic activity and maintenance of its operation.
13. The Society should prepare an annual report on its activities, assets and financial situation after the close of the business year, with the last day of the business year or the day of dissolution as the sheet day, deposit it according to the regulations, and made it accessible on its website (until the publication of the date referring to the second business year following the present publication). The bookkeeping of the Society is done in Hungarian language, in Hungarian Forint currency.

1. Cessation of the Society with successor:
The Society may not be transformed into another legal entity, it may only fuse with another association or may only separate into associations.
2. Cessation of the Society without successor:
The Society shall cease to exist if:
a) its dissolution is decided by a three-fourth majority of the General Assembly;
b) it is dissolved by or declared defunct by the court;
c) the Society completed its aims or the realization of the Society’s aims has become impossible and a new aim has not been defined;
d) the Members vested with voting rights of the Society decrease to less than ten persons for a period of six months.
In the event of dissolution – without successor - and after all legal arrangements concerning the social and financial implications of the dissolution with regard to the Society’s creditors and those employed by the Society have been settled, the remaining assets shall be donated to the Hungarian Kodály Society organization with the stipulation that the money should be used for awarding scholarships.
In case the Hungarian Kodály Society organization does not accept or cannot acquire the remaining assets, the court where the Society is registered shall give them to an organization stipulated by the law.
After the cessation of the Society without successor a claim may be registered – within a year from the date of the deletion by the court – by a member or other party for whom the remaining assets had to be given, or should have been given if there had been assets, against the executive officers if they caused harm in their capacity as officers.
If the Society ceases to exist without successor, the creditors may submit a claim to the extent of their unmet demand against the executive officers of the Society according to the liability rules concerning harm caused outside of contract, if, after a foreboding insolvency situation they did not respect the creditors’ interests. This rule does not apply in case of bankruptcy.

The Statutes may be amended by a three-fourth majority of the General Assembly on a motion submitted to the Members vested with voting rights at least 15 days prior to the meeting of the General Assembly.

1. The official languages of the Society shall be Hungarian and English. Other languages shall be used as and when the need arises. Because English is an official language of the Society there will also be an English translation of the Hungarian Statutes. However, in legal matters only the Hungarian text is applicable.
2. The Seal of the Society shall be a round seal with the circular inscription: International Kodály Society.
3. For use with Hungarian banks there shall be a round seal with the same inscription surrounding the number 1975.
4. The present Statutes should be interpreted with regard to the Society’s aims.
5. In questions not regulated in these Statutes Act. V of 2013 and Act CLXXV of 2011 are applicable.
6. The present Statutes contain all the modifications that were recently added to it.